Monday, September 30, 2019
Employee Turnover and Its Effect on Performance of a Hospitality Industry Essay
Hospitality industry is an industry that provide the servives of food, drink and lodging facilities. The hospitality industry comprise of commercial and welfare sector. The commercial sector includes the hotel, restaurant, inn, guest house, vending services etc and the welfare sector are the hospitals, aged and welfare homes, etc. in the cause of this research, we will be looking in the commercial sector narrowing it down to the hotel sector. According to ( )the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers Employee turnover is the process of replacing one worker with another for any reason. A turnover rate is the percentage of employees that a company must replace within a given time period. When employees leave a company and have to be replaced, that’s called turnover. Some employees will always retire, move away, go back to school, or leave the workforce. This level of turnover is not only unavoidable, it can be beneficial. It brings new people into the organization with new ideas and a fresh perspective. Employees’ turnover is a well-recognized issue of critical importance to the organizations. Lack of employees’ continuity involves high costs in the induction and training of new staff. Organizational productivity is also one of the challenges that arise as a consequence of turnover (Siong et al, 2006). Employee’s turnover is a widely researched phenomenon. A huge amount of theoretical and empirical literature identified various factors/reasons responsible for employees’ turnover. However, there is no standard reason why people leave organization (Ongori, 2007).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Eight phases of moon
The side of the moon that is facing the Earth is not lit up by the sun. At this time the moon is not visible. Phase 2 – Waxing Crescent – A small part (less than 1/2) of the moon is lit up at this point. The part that is lit up is slowly getting bigger. Phase 3 – First Quarter – One half of the moon is lit up by the sun at this point. The part that is lit up is slowly getting bigger.Phase 4 – Waxing Gibbous – At this time half of the moon is lit up. The part that is lit is slowly getting bigger. Waxing means to slowly get bigger. Phase 5 – Full Moon – The side of the moon that is lit up by the sun is facing the Earth. The entire moon is lit up at this point. Phase 6 – Waning Gibbous – The moon is not quite lit up all the way by sunlight. The part of the moon this is lit is slowly getting smaller. Waning means to slowly get maller.Phase 7 – Last Quarter – Half of the moon is lit up but the sun. The par t that we can see lit up is slowly getting smaller. Phase 8 – Waning Crescent – A small part of the moon is lit up at this point. It is getting smaller by the minute. Did you know that a full moon can happen twice in one month? When this happens, the second full moon of the month is called a Blue Moon! eight phases of moon By tongietobes
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Youth Support Act 2012 (Fictitious) sets out newly agreed services Essay
The Youth Support Act 2012 (Fictitious) sets out newly agreed services that Local Councils in Wales are obliged to provide for y - Essay Example As part of its statutory obligations to provide support for young people, the Bangor City Council has agreed to fully and part fund qualifying young people to attend Tree Tops. Due to some hostile policies of the City Council, some students cannot enjoy the provisions of The Youth Support Act 2012. This paper will analyze the different grounds for bringing a claim with reference to each of the relevant parties. The paper will pay particular attention to points for both appellant and respondent. Claims for Pricilla The Bangor City Council has recently decided that it will only fund a complete academic year’s attendance at the youth club. As a result of this policy, the Council refuses individuals to enjoy the benefits of the fully or part funding scheme before the age of five and if they turn fifteen within the academic year. On the ground of this funding policy, the Council refused to include Pricilla who is 14 years and 2 months old in this funding scheme. The Council argues that Pricilla can obtain only 10 months’ attendance at the youth club before she turns fifteen and hence she is not eligible for enjoying this particular funding scheme. Here, Pricilla can claim that the Tree Tops club provides recreational activities for young people aged between 11 and 16 and therefore she cannot attend the program if she is refused funding for the scheme on this age basis. Pointing to this, she can argue that the Council should raise the age limit to 16 so as to assist maximum young people to take part in the Tree Tops. Furthermore, Pricilla may demand part funding scheme because she is yet to attain the age of 15. In other words, she can obtain attendance for 10 months before she turns fifteen in the current academic year and therefore she must receive a proportionate funding. However, these arguments may not be valid or justifiable in the eyes of law. It is important to note that The Youth Support Act 2012 defines a young person â€Å"as someone between the ages of five and fourteen years old†1. According to this definition, Pricilla is not eligible to obtain the protection of this Act because she is currently 14 years and 2 months old. More precisely, she is not a beneficiary of the Youth Support Act 2012. The Bangor City Council policy framework clearly states that it will refuse to allow anyone onto the fully or part funded scheme if the candidates turn fifteen within the academic year. Hence, it cannot be claimed that the Council violated Pricilla’s rights provided by this Act. In an ethical perspective, Pricilla should be allowed to enjoy the protection of this Act and not be refused funding for the scheme on the ground of age eligibility cut-offs. If she is disqualified by the Council based on age criterion, she may not be possible to attend Tree Tops in her life because this club will not admit candidates aged over 16. Claims for Amreen and Nabeel Amreen, a 14 year old girl qualified for the full funding scheme was told by the Tree Tops that she would not be permitted to wear her religious headscarf owing to concerns over her personal safety during game activities. Although Amreen agreed to remove her headscarf, her brother Nabeel is outraged by the decision of the Tree Tops. In this case, Nabeel can argue that the Tree Tops had refused his sister’s fundamental rights by asking her to remove the religious headscar
Friday, September 27, 2019
Islam, a Religion of Peace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Islam, a Religion of Peace - Research Paper Example However, Islam is largely misunderstood and therefore feared in the western world. I have good friends, as does everyone probably, who actually thinks a good percentage of Muslims, followers of Islamic faith, are terrorists who are intent on jihad (religious war) and instilling Sharia Law all over the world. People fear what they do not understand. I don’t think a clearer example exists than the current Islamophobia gripping the nation. This has resulted in the discrimination and hate crimes directed at Muslims. This leads me to ask the question, who are the real terrorists? Education is the key to understanding and a peaceful coexistence between different faiths and cultures. My paper will give a brief overview of Islam in an effort to help bridge the gap of understanding. The Prophet Muhammad founded Islam in the year 622 in the city of Mecca located in what is today the nation of Saudi Arabia. Of the world’s great religions Islam is the youngest yet because it is an extension of Judaism and Christianity Muslims do not consider it newer. They think of it more as the refined version of a very old religion. All three have the same stories featuring the prophets Moses, David, Abraham and Jesus. Most people I’ve talked to had no idea Jesus is a large part of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam.... The word ‘Islam’ is taken from s-l-m, a root-word in Arabic meaning peace and submission. Islam means submitting to the will of God. A Muslim is one who submits to God. Living an Islamic life generally means adhering to the Five Pillars of Islam: â€Å"publicly bearing witness to the basic affirmation of faith; saying prescribed prayers five times a day; fasting during the month of Ramadan; giving a tithe or alms for support of the poor; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during the believer's lifetime, if this is possible.†(Wuthnow, 1998). The Qur’an is not viewed as a new revelation of God separate from its family religions but instead a more accurate and complete version therefore the final edition of those faiths. When Muhammad died in 632 A.D., Muslims were confronted with the challenge of preserving their faith so they created a hierarchal system of leaders called khalifahs (cliphs) which means successors to the Prophet Muhammad but not t hemselves prophets of God. The initial four caliphs were friends of Muhammad. Most Muslims believe their rule which lasted from 632 to 661 was the age of the ‘Rightly Guided Caliphate.’ A great expansion of the Islamic faith occurred during this period of time. Muslims conquered the Persian Empire known today as the Islamic Republic of Iran and took Syria and Northern Africa away from a crumbling Roman Empire. Within just a few short decades Islam expanded from a small village in the desert of Arabia to include territory that stretched from Africa to Asia. From the tenth century to the sixteenth the caliphs effective power ended but the area of the Muslim world
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Influence of language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Influence of language - Essay Example The language was much more formal than she could ever think of making at home. Tan recognizes that scripted English or the English used to address a large group of professionals greatly differs from the language she talks to her loved ones with. Although both are generally recognized as English, yet she is much more careless in the use of tenses, the pronunciation and the selection of words while talking to her husband or her mom than she is while talking to the outsiders. That is indeed true! Our English at formal gatherings is way different from what we speak in our homes. In fact, the level of formality we maintain in our expression accords with the degree to which a certain occasion is formal. Thus, I am not at all formal while addressing a crowd at a birthday party but I am formal to my utmost capacity while addressing a speech in the school. In Tan’s case, the difference in English was found to be characterized by the difference of relationship she had with people she talked to at different points in time. This made the English she used while talk ing to her loved ones, more of a language of intimacy than Standard English language. Tan talks about her mother’s English and discusses it with reference to a passage based on her direct quotes. Tan’s mother’s English in no way, conforms to the formal standards of English grammar. This contrasts with the fact that she is a regular reader and viewer of famous English novels and programs. Yet Tan says that the way her mother spoke helped shape her imagination because her mother made frequent use of imagery in her browbeaten English. Tan says that people including herself have conventionally tried to judge her mother’s ideas and thoughts by the quality of her language. Since her English was poor, nobody ever took her seriously. In order to make people take her seriously. This is an unfortunate reality of our society and is also a prime
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Managing in organisations - Teams and groups and motivation Assignment
Managing in organisations - Teams and groups and motivation - Assignment Example The organization-provided tasks include certain set of activities that have been assigned to team members. The team members do not simply assigned tasks on wish of any senior manager or on the wish of the team member, but an intensive work is carried out in which certain characteristics are taken into account that establish whether a particular team member possesses the required skills essential for meeting the objectives of assigned task. After developing a role for an individual team member, the senior management or team leader attempts to incorporate the tasks and goals of the individual team member with the aggregate goals and tasks of team. This is the ultimate objective of team building. If there is no connection between team goals and the goals of an individual team member, it would be hard for the team to continue performing and obtaining the desired team objectives. However, it may not denied that the individual members of the team may be performing well and meeting their in dividual tasks and objectives. In the absence of achieving team goals, it would be useless to develop team and work collectively. Teams are built to attain synergistic effect from the aggregate contribution of all team members. The concept of synergy can be defined as an output which is more than the numerical total of units. Keeping this view in mind, team is expected to outperform the aggregate total of their individual performance and output and at the same time, the team is required to establish that the intended team objectives are being served. Team encompasses diversity, team size, personality and team leadership. These are the fundamental aspects normally carried out by team. A team is collection of few individuals who collectively makes up a team. In this team, the presence of diversity cannot be ruled out. This could be in the form of racial diversity, age diversity and so on. Subsequent to that, team size is another factor that influences on the aggregate function of team . There exists no ideal number representing an absolute team size. However, team size is largely built up on the basis of its aggregate team objectives. Simultaneously, the role of personality in team cannot be ruled out. Some personalities are introvert and others are extrovert. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that directly or indirectly affect team spirit and team members as well. In the following parts of the paper, a distinction between team and group has been provided along with practical work reflection segment. It is followed by diversity portion. After completing this part, team size part has been included. Subsequent to that, personality segment has been incorporated. After completing team leadership, motivation and intrinsic motivation have been discussed. Before the conclusion part, extrinsic motivation and a collective discussion on both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and rewards have been included. Teams and Groups Team and group are rarely used interc hangeably in organizations. Both have considerable distinction when applied to an organizational context. â€Å"A group can be defined as two or more people who develop interactive relationships and share at least one common goal or issue†(Boyd, 2008, p.190). On the other hand, team can be defined as a composition of two or more persons performing organizationally assigned tasks; sharing one or more common goals; developing and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
System of Inquiry Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
System of Inquiry - Case Study Example (GMP History)1. GMPC boasts of an exemplary environment record and has increasingly fixed its focus on augmenting its renewable sources to ensure cleaner, greener and safer future. Only 2% of GMP's fuel mix for 2006 was from carbon dioxide emitting sources as compared to the national average of nearly 70% from emitting sources. GMP's sources comprise non-conventional energy sources like water, wood or wind, which supplies more than half of the company's requirement. (Green Mountain Power, Generating Sources Among Lowest In Emissions)2. Green Mountain Power understands the value and importance of its contribution to the community at large, and the only route in fulfilling its tremendous responsibilities is its ability to retain a good reputation in a changing social and business environment with its increasingly complex set of standards and laws. Green Mountain Power Corporation, thus, unequivocally resolves to conduct its business lawfully and with the highest degree of honesty and integrity. A corporation can act only through individuals. In order to meet this commitment, Green Mountain Power expects all its directors, officers, employees and agents to perform their duties with the highest degree of honesty and integrity. (Green Mountain Power Corporation's Code of Ethics and Conduct)3. The com... GMP's Ethical System The company has a robust ethical system in place that is broader than the standards set forth by law for an average business firm. This is in order to be in preparedness to meet any eventuality with a pro-active system to pinpoint and rectify ethical deficiencies wherever and whenever they arise. As evidence in proof to show the high level of importance the company places on proper conduct of business, all it needs is a few days spent within the confines of the company's premises and sites, and evaluate this experience with the codes of conduct stressed at different levels of authority. The company's code of conduct consists of three parts; the first one is primarily aimed at its directors, officers, employees and agents, and is geared towards a sustained public confidence in the company's good name. The second part specifies the legal requirements which every one of the company's personnel and agents must strictly adhere to. The third part describes the company's compliance program which ensures that every director, officer, employee and agent has understood and will abide by the code of conduct. (Green Mountain Power Corporation 's Code of Ethics and Conduct)4. Code of Ethics for Directors, Officers, Employees, and Agents GMP's code of ethics calls upon its personnel at every level to tell the truth, obey the law, treat others with respect, and avoid conflicts of interest. The interest and confidence of the customers and the community at large are held paramount so as to avoid even an appearance of illegal conduct. Discriminations and harassment at the workplace must be avoided as the company has expressed, in no uncertain terms, that it will not tolerate such acts. Conflicts of interest between
Monday, September 23, 2019
Legal Process Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Legal Process Paper - Essay Example 06(b)[3] of the statute, the notice must include the date, place and the circumstances of the alleged unlawful employment practice so that the employer may be apprised of the nature of the charges against it. However, the name of the charging party need not be included. If the EEOC totally fails to notify an employer of the charges, the courts, as the District Court did in EEOC v. St. Annes Hospital of Chicago, Inc.,have ruled that the EEOC could not bring a suit on that charge. The Supreme Court in Shell Oil Co. v. EEOC held that notice was adequate, even while not technically perfect. The legislative history of Title VII is clear that untimely notice by the EEOC should not be an absolute bar to court action by the aggrieved party. Also under Section 706(b), the EEOC is required to investigate the charge of discrimination to determine if reasonable cause exists to believe that the charge is true. If no reasonable cause exists, the EEOC shall dismiss the charge and promptly notify the charging and charged party of the dismissal. If reasonable cause exists, the EEOC â€Å"shall endeavor to eliminate any such alleged unlawful employment practices by informal methods of conference, conciliation and persuasion.†If those efforts fail, the EEOC may bring a civil suit against the employer in federal court under Section 706(f). If the EEOC does not bring suit within 180 days of the filing of the charge either by choice or because it dismissed the charge, the charging party may request notification, commonly referred to as a â€Å"right to sue†letter. Upon receipt of that letter, the charging party has 90 days to sue. Thus, a charging party may not sue until she received a notice of dismissal by the EEOC or a right to sue letter. The charging party may demand a right to sue letter, even before the EEOC has made its reasonable cause determination, so long as the demand for the letter is 180 days after the EEOC charge is filed. However, the right to sue letter can be
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Rootkits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Rootkits - Research Paper Example ghted. General Overview of Rootkits and How They Work In definition, rootkits refer to programs that are intentionally made to hinder with system functionality and documentation hence doing away with the information or data which is stored in the computer for different uses. At most of times they are a collection of programs that facilitate spying on people computers (Rimon 1). The major difference existing between rootkits and the worm and virus is that a worm, the likes of the Stuxnet remains or continues attacking the computer system. This means that the worm does not necessary require to attach itself to an obtainable program in the system for its multiplication to occur accordingly (Rimon 1). Viruses, Trojans and worms have since been infecting computers of many user and even different servers that are essential in running electronic businesses. In that sense, fighting viruses and worms has become an issues which needs to be solved through the adoption of the appropriate measure if at all the running, operation of computer system and networking management has to be continued been enjoyed globally. On the other hand discovering/detecting of rootkits is even harder. According to Bidgoli Rootkits can therefore act in some instance as computer viruses or worms (21). Computer viruses and worms affect systems through deleting major documents or files or even putting a stop to website right of entry. The manner in which computer virus and worms attack the system clearly defines how they work (Rimon 1). The current state of computer virus basically is concerned with the Stuxnet worm. This is because the worm appears much different from other worms and virus following the manner in which it works and spreads in the computer system. In definition, the Stuxnet refers to a worm or malware that breaks into the categories of system that manages equipment (Douglas & Sturken 9). This results to permitting an attacker to take for granted control of critical equipments thus interfering with them the way in which it should not be. Generally, the worm originally distributes arbitrarily in the computer system although it involves extremely dedicated malware which multiplies while at the same time interfering with the functionality and performance of the system. The worm spreads into computer systems through various ways, although the most common means of spreading is through e-mail services. Virus and worms work in almost similar ways when it comes to interfering with the computer system (Rimon 1). Viruses characteristically need unsuspecting system users to unintentionally split them. Rimon believes that a number of viruses that are complicated like the Stuxnet worms duplicate and transform themselves mechanically to different computers by calculating different programs like e-mail sharing application (1). This clearly explains the idea that, networking technology is the reason behind major development of threats like worms and viruses which completely interfere with performance and functionality of systems. Other viruses like the Trojans
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Air pollution Essay Example for Free
Air pollution Essay Introduction to Air Pollution Air pollution is the presence of foreign substances in the atmosphere, emitted by industries and motor vehicles that cause damage to living organisms. Air pollution characteristics Air pollution characteristics in a particular region are influenced by: The type and amount of pollutant and their source of emission. The topographical and meteorological conditions affecting dispersion, concentration and transboundary transport of pollutants. The type of technology and various raw materials used in the manufacturing process and the type and quantum of emissions. The extent of industrialization and population density. Air Pollutants Sources of air pollutants Major sources of air pollution are natural sources and man-made source. A. Natural sources: Volcanic eruptions, forest fires, deflation of sands and dusts, storms, etc. Pollutants from natural sources Volcanoes: ashes, smokes, carbon dioxide dust and other gases. Land surface: salts spray from seas and ocean, dusts and soil particles from ground-surface. Extraterrestrial bodies: cosmic particles and rays, chest produced due to bombardment of asteroid materials, comets etc. with the earth. B. Man-made (anthropogenic) sources Industries, automobiles, agriculture, power plants, domestic sources, etc. Pollutants from manmade sources Industries: smokes, fumes, dust, particulate matters. Domestic sources: gases from kitchen, domestic heating. Automobiles: smoke, fumes, emissions from different vehicles. Agriculture: insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. Power plants: heat from the power plants, smokes, fly ash. Introduction to Air Pollution Air pollution is the presence of foreign substances in the atmosphere, emitted by industries and motor vehicles that cause damage to living organisms. Air pollution characteristics Air pollution characteristics in a particular region are influenced by: The type and amount of pollutant and their source of emission. The topographical and meteorological conditions affecting dispersion, concentration and transboundary transport of pollutants. The type of technology and various raw materials used in the manufacturing process and the type and quantum of emissions. The extent of industrialization and population density. Air Pollutants Sources of air pollutants Major sources of air pollution are natural sources and man-made source. A. Natural sources: Volcanic eruptions, forest fires, deflation of sands and dusts, storms, etc. Pollutants from natural sources Volcanoes: ashes, smokes, carbon dioxide dust and other gases. Land surface: salts spray from seas and ocean, dusts and soil particles from ground-surface. Extraterrestrial bodies: cosmic particles and rays, chest produced due to bombardment of asteroid materials, comets etc. with the earth. B. Man-made (anthropogenic) sources Industries, automobiles, agriculture, power plants, domestic sources, etc. Pollutants from manmade sources Industries: smokes, fumes, dust, particulate matters. Domestic sources: gases from kitchen, domestic heating. Automobiles: smoke, fumes, emissions from different vehicles. Agriculture: insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. Power plants: heat from the power plants, smokes, fly ash.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Impact Of The Western Sahara Conflict
The Impact Of The Western Sahara Conflict The conflict in Western Sahara was a dispute between Western Sahara (Frente Polisario) and Morocco which constitutes a big threat to regional stability after decolonization in 1975 by Spanish powers. The war has caused thousands of lives, big numbers of prisoners of war on both sides and has led to Morocco constructing a huge fortified wall in Western Sahara (Lehtinen, 2003). This conflict has therefore had far reaching impacts on Polisario in terms of political, economical and cultural as here discussed. Frente Polisario is a national organization of the Western Sahara that was formed with the aim of obtaining independence for Western Sahara. The main political impact that the Western Sahara conflict had was the formation of Frente Polisario. This was a political front that advanced plights of Saharawi society. Frente Polisario was therefore charged with the responsibility of championing independence of the Sahrawi people. The conflict in the Western Sahara led to Polisarios adoption of socialist ideology in 1970s which was a common ideology at the time that was being adopted by most liberation movements in most nations. The ideology was meant to bring all Sahrawi people together as one big family and a united society to champion their independence course. In relation to Polisario political struggle for independence of Saharawi people, it has continued to champion for peaceful liberation efforts devoid of terrorists activities. For example, it denounced the 2003 bombing of Casablanca against civilians. In its quest for self independence from Morocco, it has advanced attack free liberation efforts. In addition, after the ceasefire in 1989, the movement committed itself to pursue peaceful independence route as long as the Moroccan side complied with the conditions set during the ceasefire. Further more, as a result of the persisted conflict in the Western Sahara region; Polisario signed a peace treaty that led to Mauritania assuming a neutral ground in the conflict which has been one of major political development that has given a glimpse of hope in the independence struggle of the Sahrawi people. The peace treaty has led to Morocco remaining as the sole hindrance to independence of the Saharawi people. In terms of political relationship with other states, Polisario has had collaborative relationship with foreign countries as such as Algeria. Algeria has helped it advance its course for independence struggle against Morocco. For example, it has continued to receive unconditional support from Algeria in terms of arms and training of its forces for a period panning to 30 years. This has been useful for Polisario as it has enabled it to withstand heavy attacks from the Moroccan forces. With the persistence of the conflict, in 1991, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed a plan that gave birth to a United Nations Mission which came to be called MINURSO. This mission was sent to Western Sahara in the same year (1991) to fulfill its mandate which included arrangement of referendum that was supposed to be held in February 1992 (International Crisis Group, 2007). However, the referendum process never took place as Morocco was opposed to referendum modalities that included process of identification of legible voters. Economical Impacts and Issues on Polisario With the Spains departure from Western Sahara in 1975, the region has undergone changed in several ways. For example, the nomadic lifestyle of the Saharawi people was altered as their main economic activity changed to mining. This became their major economic activity for their livelihood as Western Sahara was now in the top six largest phosphate exporters in the world. Abundance of phosphate and other natural minerals were among the cornerstones for Moroccos desire to control the territory. However, the economic benefits accrued from exploitation of the natural resources were for the occupying power (Morocco) but not for the indigenous Saharawi people. Every territorial conflict comes along with huge economic impacts that negatively affect the well being of the participating states. In respects to Western Sahara Conflict, actual economical costs that the conflict has caused to the region and particularly to Polisario can not be actually quantified since reliable data on the same is absent. However, there are several issues that have taken place that have impacted negatively on economic situation of Polisario. One of the significant economic impact on Polisario has been widespread planting of landmine where by numerous parts of Polisario were given up due to suspected presence of mines (International Crisis Group, 2011). The conflict in the region has also resulted to most of the Sahrawi people fleeing their homes and opting to live in refugee camps. This has resulted to overdependence of aid from the international community such as WFP by the Polisario people. In addition, life in refugee camps do not provide suitable economic environment for any significant economic activities to be undertaken and this has intensified their foreign dependency. In addition, the Polisario people being pastoralists and nomads in nature, they have been affected hugely by the conflict since their nomadic and pastoralist activities were not favored by prevalence of tensions that engulfed the disputed territory. They were again affected by the closing up of the border with Mauritania between 19979 and 2002 (International Crisis Group, 2011). The closure of the border further limited the movement of the nomad and pastoral communities of Polisario which negatively impacted their economic well being. Furthermore, fishing activities also accounted for some significant economic well being of the Polisario people. However, with the conflict in place and Morocco being stronger in terms of organization and military might, the Moroccan military took advantage of the situation and obtained fishing license of the Sahrawi people and therefore denying the Polisario people one of their key economic endeavor. Cultural Impacts and Issues on Polisario Culture dimension of the Polisario people has not been spared in the Western Sahara conflict. Before the crisis, people of various tribes constituted the group that inhabited the land. During the colonial reign of Spain, Sahrawi society and culture remained intact in the entire colonial period. However, with Moroccan annexation, the Saharawi people become a minority within their own territory (Sandblast, 2011). This was due to the Moroccan policy to Moroccanize Western Sahara. Through Moroccanization of the territory, cultural practices of Saharawi people were washed away as new way of life of the Moroccan style was instilled. The government of Morocco settled more Moroccans in the Western Sahara territory hence diluting the cultural fabric of the Polisario people. Barakat (2001) notes that Western Sahara comprised of seventy four thousand Sahrawis who were living in the territory but in the late 1990s, the total Sahrawi population is believed to have reached close to three hundred thousand. This population was infiltrated by their common adversary (Moroccans) hence diluting their cultural organization. Saharawi peoples cultural organization and set up have been greatly impaired as a result of the effects of the conflict. For example, the continued repression and denial of fundamental human rights like denial of freedom of expression by the Moroccan occupiers have negatively impacted on their cultural practices. In respect to this, their pastoralist and nomadic way of life as even their movement was greatly monitored and restrained by the Moroccans. Territorial conflict in Western Sahara has resulted to war on different occasions where by Moroccan forces have gone physical with the Polisarios counterparts. In connection to this, the armed struggle has resulted to many causalities among civilians where by families and societies of the Saharawi people have been torn apart. The effects of the struggle have been wide spread. For example, there is prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and stigmatization which is as a result of evils committed by armed forces involved in the armed rustle. Morocco In the Western Sahara conflict, Morocco occupied the northern two thirds of the Sahara in the late 1975 and since then, it has fought against the Polisario (Barakat, 2001). The conflict has therefore been between the Polisario and the Moroccan side. The Western Sahara conflict has therefore had political, economical and cultural impacts on Morocco as a core actor in the feud. Political impacts and issues on Morocco Morocco has been impacted in two parallel ways; both negative and positive effects. Western Sahara crisis led to Morocco withdrawal from the AU in 1984 as a way of protesting against SADR admission to the AU which was one of the interested parties in the conflict. This move by Morocco tarnished its image on the international platform since it was viewed as an illegal occupying power in the disputed territory. In addition, foreign relations of Morocco and other states suffered a blow. For example, its relations with Algeria were negatively affected as Morocco perceived Algeria to be in support of the Polisario whom Morocco considered as their subjects. Furthermore, international tensions between states have also been heightened as a result of the persisted conflict. For instance, it has impaired relationship between France and Algeria. France defends Morocco in the conflict and against Polisario while Algeria remains one to main supporter of Polisario for its independence (Norway Bergen, 2010). Moreover, Morocco has successfully ensured that referendum is intentionally delayed. Morocco disregard of referendum in Western Sahara region is in view to continue with the territorys occupation. Referendum was a resolution that was adopted by UN as a way of ending the crisis amicably but Morocco has adopted a delaying tactics by disagreeing on the formula of conducting the referendum process. Furthermore, Morocco has successful gained the support of the United States over the stand off. US support of Morocco is guided by the fact that Morocco is a key ally of the US in the Arab world (Zoubir, 2010). Although America is not opposed to the Western Sahara independence, the geopolitical consideration and particularly strategic significance of Morocco in the Arab world and it long time historical cooperation with America especial in counter terrorism war and Israel-Palestinian conflict has been the guiding principle for continued support by the US to Morocco over the entire period of the conflict. Moreover, Moroccos back up from major world super powers have been one of the reasons why the conflict has persisted for too long. France also considers Western Sahara as an integral part of Morocco and they have continued to show their opposition to independent sate of Western Sahara (Haddadi, 2002). France has therefore believed that independence of Sahrawi will make them fall under influence and control of Algeria. In addition, France also considered independence of Western Sahara as a way of weakening Moroccan kingdom in which France has vested economic, political, cultural and military interests. This was a political mileage to Morocco in terms of occupation and control of the Western Sahara since it was assured of the support of major world powers in the crisis. However, this has been one of the reasons for Moroccos disregard of several UN resolutions including frustration of referendum exercise which was planned to take place but under played by Morocco for its own partisan interests in the conflict. Furthermore, morocco image in Africa has greatly been damaged as its being seen as an occupying power. Consequently, it has AU. In addition, its ties with other African countries continued to suffer a blow, for example, South Africa cut links with Morocco in 2004 as a result of Moroccos disregard of the Baker plan (International Crisis Group, 2011). Morocco has been at the central stage of all political happenings in Western Sahara crisis. For example, its invasion of August 1979 to Western Sahara region led to adoption of General Assembly resolutions 34/37 of 21 November 1979 and 35/19 of 11 November 1980 where by the General Assembly reaffirmed inalienable right of the Saharawi people to self independence (Gillespie, 2010). This however deepened the problem as there was continued colonization of the region by Morocco. Moreover, Morocco reiterated that in forthcoming negotiation over the disputed territory of Western Sahara, it will not accept anything other than its own proposal. This stand came as a result of winning support of major superpowers like the US and France. The support therefore complicated the already worse situation since on the other hand, Polisario was not ready to tame down their quest for self independence. France and US support of Morocco in the crisis only fueled the conflict instead of helping resolve it. This has resulted to many occasions where Moroccos refused to deliberate on Saharawis proposals and has even gone a head to disregard UN resolution of negotiations without setting some pre-conditions (Darbouche Zoubir, 2008). In addition, as a result of persisted conflict in the region, and with Morocco and Algeria supporting different stands of the conflict, their borders were closed in August 1994 (Zoubir, 2010). This was followed with strained relationship between the two countries as the both have partisan interests in the Western Sahara region. The closure of the border between these two states signified strained foreign relations that existed among countries in the region. With the continued and persisted conflict in the region, Saharawi People have continued with active peaceful resistance against Moroccos occupation. This has been successful in alerting the international community of human rights issues that the Saharawi people are going through in the struggle (Zoubor, 2010). Actions such as hunger strikes have triggered international attention to the Polisarios situation and as a result a personal envoy to the UN Secretary General asked the UN Security Council to include a human rights monitoring body in the region in order to check on human rights violation being practiced by the Moroccan authorities (Cavatorta, Chari Kritzunger, 2006). Furthermore, the continued crisis in the region has given Morocco some of the super powers acclaim in the conflict due to its geopolitical relevance in the region. For instance, it has been recognized by France, US and Spain as legitimate occupying power of the Western Sahara territory. This geopolitical factor has been the major hindrance for the resolution of the stand off since Morocco has refused to lessen its stand after this assurance of support and it is only prepared to accept a resolution that identifies the territory to be within its sovereignty. Economical Impacts and Issues on Morocco Territorial conflicts in any crisis are usually an expensive affair to participating parties and it usually impacts negatively to economical well being of the states concerned. To Morocco, the economic costs of staying in Western Sahara remains high (Cordesman, 2002: 105). This comes as a result of huge spending on military facilities used in the war especially if the conflict prolongs. In relation to Western Sahara conflict, the war has spanned over beyond three decades and as a core participator, Morocco has spent a lot of resources in the territory in order to have a grip of the region. The major cause and persistence of the Western Sahara conflict have been the desire to control natural resources that are found in the territory. Morocco has continually cooperated with other foreign states to have control and exploit these resources by denying Western Sahara their outright self independence. This therefore implied that Morocco benefits from rich mineral resources of Western Sahara which include phosphate reserves, iron, oil and methane gas. Despite oppression of Saharawi by Morocco, it has continued to benefit crisis and has had a continued advance of its economic agenda. In addition, Morocco considers all resources that it has spent in Western Sahara as an investment. However, since the inception of the crisis, there has been drastic increase in security costs. About a half of the Moroccos Military budget is devoted to Morocco in its attempt to keep the region under its control. This has at times strained it economic spending on military issue in the Western Sahara at the expense of other constructive development agenda. Furthermore, apart from military spending, Morocco has intensively engaged in infrastructural development of the Western Sahara. For instance, over the passed 30 years, Morocco has invested more than 2.4 billion dollars in basic infrastructure that included airports, sea ports and a 10, 000 kilometers of road (International Crisis Group, 2011). However, despite Moroccos occupation of the territory, Moroccans have remained critical of the developments in Western Sahara since they view the move by the Moroccan authorities as an attempt to derail development in other parts of their country in the name of Western Sahara occupation. In addition, the closure of the Morocco Algeria border by Algerian authorities was detrimental to economic stability of Morocco. This closure affected the economic life of the city of Oujda that heavily depended on trade and tourism from Algeria (Cavatorta, Chari, Kritzunger, 2006). These tourism activities have been one of the major economic activities that had boosted the region in its development agenda. Morocco pleaded for reopening of the border by Algeria but Algeria remained adamant in demand for Morocco to honor self independence of Western Sahara. Furthermore, the continued tension between Morocco and Algeria due to Morocco continued occupation of Western Sahara region has led to arms race between these two countries in show of power and mighty. However, arms race is costly and each country is forced to spend significant portion of its national income in acquisition of the arms at the expense of other important development issues. This has in most cases led to stagnation of other crucial development projects especially to Morocco which is sacrificing everything in order to have control of the Western Sahara territory. Cultural Impacts and Issues on Morocco Moroccos occupation of the Western Sahara territory has at time impacted negatively to its cultural well being. For example, Moroccan authorities occupying Western Sahara have used the region as the transit point of illegal trade such as drugs and arms hence going against the cultural fabric of the Moroccan society (Boussaid, 2009). However, trafficking seems to be on increase and it is likely to in place as long as the conflict continues. In addition, with continued occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco and considerable huge investment in the territory at expense of Morocco, developments, a gap already exists where slums have mushroomed in some parts of Morocco. This has generally affected cultural well being of the Moroccan people and most of their needs are never addressed by the authority. Slum life have therefore formed part of most Moroccan population as most live as destitute in their own country. Algeria Algeria has been an active participant in the Western Sahara conflict where by it has continued to support Polisario for its independence in Western Sahara conflict against the wish of Morocco. Algeria and Morocco have since then taken their battlefield to the UN where each seeks to convince the international community of their positions over Western Sahara. However, like other interested parties in the conflict, there have been several impacts to Algeria in terms of political, economical and cultural to its well being. Political impacts and issues on Algeria Algeria has taken Morocco on task by advancing a political war in the UN where it has tried to convince the UN of legitimacy of their stand. On other hand, there has been continued lack of initiative by the Moroccan side to support their position in the UN. However, Algeria has continued to advance their course in the stand off by offering several resolutions in the UN platform. Algeria has maintained no territorial claim on Western Sahara conflict, it has continued to support Polisarios course for self determination through diplomatic means (Mundy, 2010). Important to note is that the Western Sahara conflict was already in place during the cold war period. Morocco was pro Western powers since it was a key ally of France and US. Since Algeria and Morocco were two protagonists in the Western Sahara conflict, Algeria opted for the eastern block where it became an ally of Moscow in the region. In respect to this, the continued conflict in the Western Sahara has continued to exacerbate strained relationship between Morocco and Algeria. In addition, the Western Sahara conflict strained relationship of Algeria with other states and in particular, its diplomatic relationship. Major world super powers had their own interests in the regions conflict. For example, US, France and Spain believed that Western Sahara self governance could make Morocco unstable and therefore they were always in opposition to Algerias stand on push for Western Sahara independence. Economical impacts and issues on Algeria Economic impacts on part of Algeria participation in the Western Sahara conflict are quite evident from its central role in the conflict. It is widely assumed that Algeria foots most of the bill for Polisarios international diplomatic efforts and it has generously contributed to the humanitarian needs of the refugees near Tindouf (Mundy, 2010). This means that Algeria has spend hundreds of millions in the Western Sahara conflict which would have been utilized in other development projects in the country such as infrastructural improvement. In addition, Algeria has continued to support Polisario and SADR in military aid, for instance, it provided weapons support against their fierce opponent (Morocco). The military support has been intensive and have had huge economic implications since their development program has been greatly compromised to the support for the quest of Western Sahara self governance. Algeria also faced a major economical blow when it failed to take the advantage of the Gara Djebilet iron reserves as long as the Western Sahara Conflict is still in place and as long as the tension with Moroccoo remains unresolved (Mundy, 2010). This was an economic set back to Algeria because of its stand that it had taken in the conflict. The stand off denied Algeria possible exploitations of the iron reserves that could have seen it advance more in their economic performance. Furthermore, Algeria and Morocco are the two major warring parties in the conflict and they both belong to the Maghreb Union. The Western Sahara conflict has therefore had massive economic impacts in the region since it has hindered positive regional development. The conflict have even gone a head and threatened the existence of Maghreb Union since key union members hold partisan interest in the conflict and are ever suspicious of one another. The loss of earnings due to the Arab Maghreb Unions failure is on the order of 2 percent of the average annual GDP for member countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania) (International Crisis Group, 2007). Cultural Impacts and Issues on Algeria The Western Sahara conflict has impacted heavily on Algeria in its cultural set up. For example, as a result of persisted conflict, Algeria has been the biggest refugee host of the Saharawi people. Refugees started streaming from Western Sahara in 1975 when the conflict broke out between Morocco and Polisario and by 1976; the government of Algeria estimated 165,000 refugees of Saharawi origin that it had hosted (UNHCR, 2010). This has resulted to humanitarian crisis that puts pressure to social amenities. Since the outbreak of the conflict and forced settlement in Tindouf, Algeria women have been forced to assume complete management of these refugee camps which are taken as their homes. This is contrary to their normal way of life and in regard with their cultural practices where men are supposed to assume leadership roles of their families. In addition, the long term exile life experienced by women and neglect by international community has a great impact to the Saharawi people and Algeria as a host country. Algeria continues to serve as a point of transit for refugees. However, there have been reported cases of human smuggling in the process of handling the refugees from Western Sahara territory. There are groups in Algeria that have taken advantage of the Saharawis plight in the present crisis as they smuggle them. This have hence intensified human trafficking problem that has been reported by UNHCR in the refugee camps. Spain Spain is the former colonial power that had occupied Western Sahara. With increasing consensus that colonized states should be given their own self independence, Spain later recognized this right as decolonization process was gaining momentum in the international politics. Morocco which is the current occupant of Western Sahara was indeed of the crusaders for decolonization of Western Sahara. Political impacts and issues on Spain As a former colonial master to Western Sahara, Spain have great political impacts and issues as a result of the conflicts persistence in Western Sahara territory. It bears a huge responsibility on continued crisis that stands unresolved in the region. For instance, instead of honoring its initial commitment of self governance of the people of Western Sahara as it initially intended in its decolonization process, it has continually collaborated with Morocco and Mauritania where by in November 14, 1975, it entered into accord with these countries that allowed them to invade Western Sahara that led to its occupation and division (Bolton, 2007,). As a former colonial master that had already accepted to grant self independence to its former colony, Spain was charged with the responsibility of guarding independence of Western Sahara but it went contrary to the agreement and instead allowed African countries to replace it as colonial masters in its former colony. This has therefore led to persistence of Western Sahara colonization by Morocco which has exacerbated Western Sahara plights. Polisario was therefore forced to continue with the struggle for independence under an African colony. Spain has continued to support Morocco for its occupation of the Western Sahara territory and it has recognized Moroccos occupation as legitimate. However, in the international deliberations, it pretends to support self independence of Saharawi people. This has since the commencement of the conflict portrayed Spain as a power with no reliable stand in Western Sahara crisis which has led to loss of its credibility on the issue. Economical impacts and issues on Spain Before Western Sahara conflict with Morocco, Spain was the legitimate occupier of the territory where it benefited from its huge natural resource base. For example, Spain exploited Western Sahara fishing sector during its colonial reign and even after its decolonization, it continued to benefit from the economic activities since it signed a pact with Morocco supporting its occupation. Crisis in Western Sahara nationalism ranges back during the colonial times by the Spanish. It is during the Spanish rule in the region that Polisario movement was formed as a nationalist movement to advance self independence of the Western Sahara region. The Saharawi movement has therefore continued to fight for their self governance in the present Morocco colonization. Spain has also continued to enjoy from phosphate resources that are found in plenty in the region both during their colonial period and even in the Moroccan occupation as they are in agreement with Morocco. Cultural Impacts and Issues on Spain Spain has continued to incline to Morocco instead of supporting the independence of the Saharawi people; it destroyed good moral ties that existed between the Spanish people and the Saharawi population. Morally, the Spanish had ethical responsibility of safeguarding Western Sahara as a former colony by ensuring that another power does not occupy it after it surrender. This was not the case as Spain went a head and supported Morocco and Mauritania for their occupation. This was not a proper moral standard that was undertaken by former colonial masters and therefore, it was a breach of its moral obligations. Spain has had close cultural and colonial ties with Western Sahara, the solidarity and human right group of Spain have actively demanded that the government of Spain pressure Morocco to hold its obligation to international law (Stephan Jacob, 2008). Several activists who support Saharawi have staged several demonstrations in protests of inhumane acts and repression that have been committed to Saharawi people. During numerous protests that they have engaged in, the Spanish Human Rights League have come clear on the issues and condemned Morocco and its allies including Spain for violation of Saharawis fundamental human rights which include freedom of assembly and free speech in Western Sahara. The failure by Spain to resolve a dispute involving its former colony and continued support of the Moroccans has portrayed Spain as a power that disregards human rights. UN has initiated several initiatives to try and settle the Western Sahara crisis which has turned into a human crisis as a result of increased refugees that have seen most of Saharawi people living as displaced people in other country. Mauritania Mauritania in the Western Sahara conflict was allied to Morocco. However, the country experienced a military putsch that drove out president Moktar Daddah due to the position that he had taken over the Western Sahara conflict (Bolton, 2007). This has subsequently forced the country into a tricky balancing move and it has since then embraced neutrality over the conflict. Political impacts and issues on Mauritania Mauritania has suffered great impacts from the Western Sahara conflict since its political leadership was reshaped as a result of the conflict. Initially, President Moktar Daddah was in support of the Moroccan side of the conflict. However, this was in contrary to the wish and will of many Mauritania nationals and thus a military putsch was taken against him which saw regime change in the Mauritania political landscape. In relation to this, the incoming government sought to assume a central position in the conflict and withdraw completely from the Western Sahara war. After Mauritania withdrawal from the war, it persuaded Morocco in considering withdrawal from Western Sahara and grant it self independence. In connection to this, during the OAU (presently AU) in 1981, King Hassan II of Morocco accepted the principle of self determination and even pledged his will to support a referendum exercise that could determine independence of Western Sahara (Amirah, 2008). Consequently, Mauritania signed a peace treaty with Polisario in Algeria in 1979 5th August and condemned the war. This also led to its denouncement of territorial occupations in Western Sahara. The move taken by Mauritania gave a glimpse of hope to the struggle of Western Sahara people as the only remaining occupying force in the region was Morocco and therefore its advances could not be that strong compared to the
Thursday, September 19, 2019
America, a Democracy? Essay -- essays research papers
America, a Democracy?      America. What’s the first thought to come to your mind after hearing this? Democracy? Land of Rights? That would make sense. America, the land of the free. The land of opportunity. But is America really a democracy? A country for the people, by the people? To an extent, but not exactly. The people of this great country do not have unlimited rights and the freedom to do what they please. Many of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution are being limited and slowly being taken away.      Since America is such a powerful country, it follows that the United States President is one of the most powerful figures in the world. Considering the United States is a democracy, it would seem obvious that the people directly elect their leader. Wrong. The popular vote has nothing to do with the election of the president. Instead, the way the president is decided is by whichever candidate wins the most electoral votes. Each state has a certain amount of electoral votes based on the number of people in that state’s House of Representatives. In most cases, the winner of the electoral vote is also the winner of the popular vote. In a few rare cases though the winner of the popular vote lost the election. This shouldn’t be. The U.S. should have the people directly elect the president. A most recent case was the last election of 2000, Bush vs. Gore. Gore had the popular vote won by a margin...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Solar-Powered World Essay examples -- Environment, Energy Resources,
A Solar-powered World Since the beginning of the war against environmental contamination, it has been the job of engineers to come up with solutions to this problem. Waste management regulations, material recycling and recursion to renewable energy resources have been some of the many brilliant ideas engineers have emerged with to take control of the situation. Of these three, the use of renewable energy resources has meant to be the most complicated of the solutions to repair the damage done to nature. The generation of energy has always been of concern to humanity and so it demands to be studied rigorously. Here is when questions about solar radiation appear over the table of many scientists. With all of its mysteries and power, the sun has shown its potential to be a reliable source of renewable energy. The question is: how can engineers take advantage of the energy that comes from the sun? In order to wisely exploit solar energy, engineers must execute precise arrangements in solar energy systems. Primarily, engineers should be able to identify what kind of solar configuration is the best for harnessing solar energy. First, engineers must explore what advantages each solar energy system can provide. This step is crucial for understanding the potential of sunlight in the renewable energy world. Most researchers in the field of renewable energy name, at least, two fundamental types of solar energy system configurations: flat-plates and concentrators (Balat 981, Higgins 26 and Hepbasli et al. 556). In their works, these researchers describe each type of configuration as equally suitable to convert solar radiation; nevertheless, they encourage the use of flat-plates for photovoltaic conversions and concentrator for solar-the... ... the factors that shape the performance of such systems. For instance, engineers must pay close attention to the type solar energy system configuration as well as the type of material they choose for the task, so they will ensure maximum efficiency and satisfaction. Also, engineers must find reliable ways to store and manage the energy that has been already converted, without letting aside the new technologies and applications they could destine to that energy. Finally, engineers must come together to figure out how they could make solar energy systems a true adversary for fossil fuels, so they could free society of such damaging fuel. In summary, engineers have the capability of imposing solar energy systems as a reliable energy source or let it be forgotten. Either of both will be a reflect of how they manage the technology and on what they focus to handle it.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to D. H. Lawrences Sons and L
Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers Psychoanalytical and feminist approaches are two relatively recent critical responses towards literary texts. When applied to D. H. Lawrence's Son's and Lovers, both can be insightful yet problematic at the same time. The theories of psychoanalysis, primarily identified with Sigmund Freud, can be applied to imaginative literature and art in general, in order to study their manifest and latent content, in the same way as Freud studied dreams. Literature clearly lends itself to such a study, since, like dreams, the most significant meaning often lies below the conscious surface narrative of a text. Feminist approaches towards literature are concerned with the portrayal of female characters. Lawrence's representation of women in his work has been admired by many readers for it's insight, women among them, and has been strongly attacked by others for its prejudiced male perspective. Classic psychoanalytic criticism applied the theories either to the author, or his or her characters, which were seen as internalised images that have come from the author's unconscious. The high autobiographical content of Sons and Lovers lends itself to this type of study. Also, if works of art are taken to be disguised expressions of an infantile wish driven into the unconscious, as Freud suggests, then Sons and Lovers is doubly of interest. It is about the fundamental infantile wish that all boys have and repress, according to Freud, the wish of Oedipus to kill their father and marry their mother. Freud's theory of the Oedipus complex and of its frequent effect of psychical impotence, of which Paul is a classic victim, offers a valuable key to a coherent unde... ...the whole picture, since each perspective has its own priorities, and several need to be incorporated in order to fully realise all of the characters and understand the true workings of the novel. Works Cited and Consulted Finney, B. (1990). Penguin Critical Studies: Sons and Lovers. Middlesex: Penguin Group Kuttner, A. B. (1969). A Freudian Interpretation (1916). In Gmini Salgado (Ed.), D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers A Selection of Critical Essays 1969 1994. Hampshire: Macmillan Press. Lawrence, D. (1996). Sons and Lovers (1913). M. Daly (Ed.), London: Everyman Lucy, N. (1997). Postmodern Literary Theory: An Introduction Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Millett, K. (1996). Sexual Politics (1969). In Rick Rylance (Ed.), Sons and Lovers: New Casebooks. New York: St. Martin's Press. Pope, R. (1998). The English Studies Book. London: Routledge
Monday, September 16, 2019
Comparison of Crime and Punishment and Julius Caesar Essay
William Shakespeare’s famous play Julius Caesar written in 1608 is here compared with Crime and Punishment written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in 1866. Whereby the two authors lived in completely different times, both texts had similarly established their storylines around protagonists who committed crimes based on theories they believed in. For example, Brutus from Julius Caesar commits murder because of his patriotism; while Raskolnikov commits murder with his belief in the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½bermensch theory. This similarity has then brought further realization of similar depiction of protagonists between the authors. Such similarities are prevalent by the manner the protagonists conceal their emotions from interfering with their paths to greatness. This ultimately leads to each protagonist’s act of digging their own hole, whereby they alienate themselves from those they love. Hence this allowed for the ambiguous response from the audience, as we are shaped into the capability of hating and loving the protagonist from both texts. Thus, though these internationally-acclaimed texts were written by authors of different eras, a similarity exists in the fashion they have portrayed their protagonists. Primarily, both protagonists suppress their love for others in their search for greatness. The protagonist of Julius Caesar, Brutus, describes his suppression to his friends, â€Å"not that I loved Caesar less†¦as he was ambitious, I slew him. There is tears for his love.†(Shakespeare, 3.2.26-27) The first sentence of this quote affirms the protagonist’s inevitable love for his friend Caesar, whom Brutus paradoxically ends up murdering after emotional debates. Shakespeare has interestingly employed paradox in this quote to further corroborate Brutus’s dominant characteristic of nobleness, when Brutus declares his true patriotic motives in murdering Caesar. â€Å"Tears†in the last sentence conveyed a sorrowful and regretful tone. This suggests Brutus’s inner conflict, which is his attempt to suppress his affection toward his friend in order to kill Caesar. The protagonist of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, also strives to suppress his compa ssion. Raskolnikov questions himself after helping a drunken girl, â€Å"Is it for me to do that? And how could I ever have gone and given away those twenty copecks?†(Dostoyevksy, 62) This quote demonstrates a sudden shift of mood, as Raskolnikov just shows his angelic side by helping others and now his demonic side takes over. These actions reflect the motif of dual personalities. The above three elements illustrate Raskolnikov’s inner turmoil in suppressing his angelic side. Thus it is ironic that he exclaims he shouldn’t have given away money, yet later gives money to Sonya’s family. Raskolnikov’s failure in suppression foreshadows his failure as a superhuman. Although both protagonists share the characteristic of suppressing their love for others, they suffer different consequences. In Julius Caesar, Brutus’s suppression of love for Caesar isn’t clearly interpreted by Antony, who tells all, â€Å"how dearly Caesar lov’d him (Brutus)! This was the most unkindest cut of all†¦Then†¦all of us fell down.†(Shakespeare, 3.2.180, 181, 189) Antony’s such realization reveals his shrewdness and true, open love to Caesar, in contrast to his foil, Brutus’s, suppressed love. Ironically, Antony’s manifestation of his love for Caesar foreshadows Brutus’s tragic downfall. Through this, Shakespeare is able to criticize the suppression of emotions. In Crime and Punishment, the protagonist Raskolnikov has a better fate than Brutus. He confesses his crime to Sonya, who â€Å"he had sought a human being, when he needed one.†(Dostoyevsky, 621) This quote reveals the theme of common suffe ring and understanding. Raskolnikov’s suppression of compassion has resulted in his physical and psychological suffering. As Sonya is also subject to poverty, Raskolnikov knows she may understand his torment and help him find salvation. In both texts, the authors depicted how protagonists are forced to suppress emotions for others despite the differences in the consequences of their actions. There’s no permission or prohibition involved (for the extraordinary people).†he (the ordinary person) will suffer when he realizes the error of his ways†¦ Secondly, the protagonists both choose to abandon their families and isolate themselves. In Julius Caesar, Portia questions Brutus’s behaviour, â€Å"And when I ask’d you what the matter was, / You star’d upon me with ungentle looks. / Yet I insisted, yet you answer’d me not.†(Shakespeare, 2.1. 241, 245) Through this quote, readers are introduced to the protagonist’s alienation of wife Portia due to his patriotism. Brutus’s insistent isolation denies the motif of emotional weakness, which is possessed by his foil Caesar when Calpurnia persuades him to stay home. The sharp contrast between these characters illustrates Brutus’s honourable and heroic characteristics. The theme of lack of communication proves to be a tragic fallacy for both Brutus and Portia. If they’d openly shared the problem, the tragic downfall of both characters might’ve been avoided. The protagonist of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, tells So nya (Dostoyevsky, 291) that â€Å"[He] deserted [his] family today, so [He] shan’t see them anymore.†This quote highlights the theme of isolation, caused by his belief in the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½bermensch theory. Raskolnikov chooses to desert his family because of his superhuman pursuit. However, his speech often reflects irony. His deep trustful relationship with Sonya foreshadows his incapability of achieving the superhuman state. Furthermore, Raskolnikov shows strong concern when Svidrigailov, Raskolnikov’s foil and a round antagonist, attempts to harm Dunya, his sister, in Part V of the novel. Contradictory to his words, Raskolnikov reveals the motif of psychological uncertainty, which is closely related to his punishment. In both novels, the protagonists have attempted to isolate themselves from their families to achieve greatness. However, they regard their family and friends differently. Brutus is accompanied by friends throughout the play. The flat character, Lucilius, aids with Brutus’s escape by impersonating him (Shakespeare, 5.4.7-8). This loyalty affirms Brutus’s well association with his friends and reveals Brutus’s nobleness in the eyes of his countrymen. On the other hand, Raskolnikov takes the isolation to a higher level by deserting his friends. He tells Razumikhin, â€Å"I don’t need†¦anyone†¦I’ll manage by myself†¦on my own†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Dostoyevsky, 136) The use of ellipsis again depicts the motif of psychological uncertainty. Raskolnikov wants to isolate himself, but his stumbling speech portrays his doubts in his ability to alienate himself. Thus, it’s quite ironic that he eventually seeks help from Sonya, for redemption, and Razumikhin, for taking care of his family. Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky illustrate the theme of isolation as one of the major themes in their text which contribute to the protagonists’ tragic downfalls. Lastly, we find that Shakespeare and Dostoevsky use both good and evil qualities to characterize their protagonists. Through this, they are able to successfully provoke the readers’ empathy despite the characters’ misjudgements. In the final scene of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony makes a concluding remark about Brutus after he has died, â€Å"This was the noblest Roman of them all:/[Brutus] only, in a general honest thought/And common good to all, made one of them./’This was a man!†(Shakespeare, 5.5.68-75) Here, Antony demonstrates his admiration and respect for Brutus even though he was part of the conspiracy. The irony is revealed when Antony compliments the murderer of Caesar as â€Å"noble†even though he had previously aroused the crowds against Brutus in Act III. Antony’s shrewdness also reflects the motif of nobleness, demonstrated by Brutus’s patriotic reason in committing the murder. Using iambic pentameter, Antony praises Brutus’s nobility sincerely. His speech reminds the readers of Brutus’ unselfish sacrifice for his country, simultaneously provoking empathy, enabling readers to associate Brutus more as a hero than that of a sinful criminal. Whereas in Crime and Punishment, in Raskolnikov’s confession to Sonya, he says, â€Å"I’d started to search my conscience and ask myself whether I had any right to assume power over someone else like that meant that I didn’t have any such right†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Dostoyevsky, 500) This quote from the climax of the novel reflects a milestone in the plot development. By admitting this mistake, that he had no right to commit the murder, is the protagonist’s first step towards redemption, a major theme of the novel. Also, the novel is written in a thir d person limited omniscient point of view, thus readers are able to feel Raskolnikov’s sorrow and intense emotions in his confession. Readers can’t help but sympathize with Raskolnikov and his psychological torment caused by belief in the Ubermensch theory – his tragic fallacy. Although the protagonists in the texts, Brutus and Raskolnikov, are murderers, the reasons behind their crimes are different. Brutus contemplates whether or not to kill Caesar and finally decides, â€Å"It must be by his death. And for my part/I know no personal cause to spurn at him/But for the general†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shakespeare, 2.1.10-13) This quote again illustrates the motif of nobleness. In this quote, Brutus reveals his patriotic and unselfish reason for murdering Caesar in order to benefit the greater good. Shakespeare skilfully employs iambic pentameters here to reveal Brutus’s nobility and determination in committing such crime. This quote also helps with plot development as it foreshadows Caesar’s death. Raskolnikov on the other hand, also commits murder but he has his own intentions. Raskolnikov confesses to Sonya, â€Å"I didn’t kill in order to help my mother! I didn’t kill in order get money or power and thus be able to become a benefactor of mankind. I simply killed†¦ for no one but myself†¦ what I needed to know†¦was whether I was a louse or a man.†(Dostoyevsky, 500) This quote signifies Raskolnikov’s motive in committing murder was not based on utilitarianism but personal needs. The anaphora used for rejecting his previous justification of the crime reflects his self-realization. Pride is a motif in the novel. By admitting his misjudgement, Raskolnikov demonstrates his wounded pride. This highlights his psychological growth from the crime. By combining positive and negative characteristics, Shakespeare and Dostoevsky have successfully portrayed the protagonists like real people, possessing flaws and merits. Thus, in the end, both authors have created protagonists who attempt to achieve greatness – yet face difficulty in terms of overcoming relationships with important characters in their lives. Such difficulty halt their paths to greatness as it forces Brutus to find motivation to kill Caesar; and as it brings Raskolnikov to realize his inability to follow the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½bermensch theory for he’s unable to overcome human compassion. However, both also fight their battles before realizing they were not meant for greatness; Brutus and Raskolnikov alienate their loved ones, but discover they cannot endure their absence. This portrayal of the protagonists illustrates how though their deeds are evil, they are still human and suffer as humans do thus earning our empathy where it was first nonexistent. In conclusion, therefore, with such similarities present in each protagonist throughout both stories of radically different timeframes, the authors William Shakespeare and Fyodor Dostoyevsky had evidently shared an ability to establish similar yet effectual protagonists; in this case, Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky with their distinctive great minds thought alike indeed. Bibliography Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. Trans. David McDuff. London: Penguin Books, 2003 Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Ed. Roma Gill. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Abortion: Should Abortion Be Legal?
Abortion: Should Abortion Be Legal? Throughout the history people have agreed and disagreed with many significant issues. And in the face of controversial arguments everyone has their very own opinion. Even though it is more likely that reasonable people might agree with a logical argument, there are some that are not very easy to convince because it contradicts their view points. Such is the case of the controversial issue of abortion. To understand better why people support abortion, first we have to comprehend what abortion is.According to the National Right to Life, the term abortion refers to â€Å"any premature expulsion of a human fetus, whether naturally spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a surgical or chemical abortion. †(www. nrlc. org, March 4, 2013). The definition is only useful to appreciate the real problem more precisely. In this paper I will focus on four key arguments that support pro-abortion; and I will present my opinion on e ach one to evaluate if the argument works or not through the usage of rhetorical thinking.Finally, I will conclude by briefly stating my opinion regarding this issue after analyzing these arguments of the other side of the coin. One of the most talked about arguments that support abortion is â€Å"Abortion is a Fundamental Right. †In Jan. 22, 1973 the US Supreme Court recognized â€Å"A woman's right to choose abortion is a ‘fundamental right’†in the case Roe v. Wade. Lower federal courts had declared†¦ denying a woman the right to decide whether to carry a pregnancy to term violated basic privacy and liberty interests contained in the Constitution.The court concluded that Constitutional rights to privacy and liberty protected a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy. †(NAF. org, 5 March 2013). This is a strong argument because it is about abortion in the terms of its legal premises. The Supreme Court had to give the woman the reason because that is what is written in the Constitution. Besides, it is much easier to let a person win a case than changing the Constitution. Even though the arguments presented in court defended the woman very assuredly.The final decision did not even mention any rights of the potential life that was forming or whatsoever, which is wrong because the woman can do anything that she wants with her body, but the fetus that I inside her is a totally distinct individual with different DNA and factions. For these reasons, this argument is a dilemma because while abortion gives the woman the right to make decisions on her body, it eliminates the legal rights of the unborn child. Another slightly more sensible pro-abortion argument is â€Å"Abortion in the Case of Pregnancy Due to Rape. According to the website Libertarians for Life, â€Å"Pregnancy due to rape acts against the woman's liberty. In some sense, it's a perpetuation of the aggression of the rapist. Regardless of the practical problems of pregnancy, rape is a major trauma, and the pregnancy complicates that still further. †(Walter, 10 March 2013). This argument has a sense of pathos, in the way that it conveys a tragic experience with an undesired pregnancy. The author highlights how keeping the pregnancy could lead to a major psychological trauma.A different but as well as sensible pro-abortion topic is the issue of â€Å"Abortion gives couples the option to choose not to birth babies with severe and life-threatening medical conditions. †According to PROCON. org, â€Å"The X syndrome, the most common genetic form of mental retardation, affects about 1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 8,000 females. One in 800 babies have Down Syndrome, and one in 3,500 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis. It is not right to sentence a child to life with an acute handicap. †(PROCON. org, 5 March 2013) This argument conveys a lot of sense of pathos.It is effective because the only people that can actually understand this deeply are the parents and family involved. However, I still strongly disagree with taking away an innocent human’s life. Besides, with so many technological advantages, it is sad to see that people don’t test themselves before deciding to have a baby and later find, during the pregnancy, that the baby that’s coming will have a mental or physical disadvantage. In addition, there is no proof that showing that Down Syndrome people feel ‘sentenced’ or in any disadvantage.It is just the parents that see that the baby is different, not the baby himself. Therefore, this should also be considered a hasty generalization because the family and others see that the baby will be born with a disadvantage, they think that the baby will be miserableâ€â€but there’s no proof of that. Mary Gordon, a pro-choice woman author of A Moral Choice, gives her opinion and brings up a very important issue in favor of abortion: â€Å"Abortion transformed from a public into a private issue. She stated that â€Å"The RU-486 pill, which can induce abortion early on, exists. †She added that women were going to obtain it whether or not it is â€Å"legally available. †Her claim is that â€Å"If abortion can occur through chemical rather than physical means, in the privacy of one’s home, most people not directly involved will lose interest in it. As abortion is transformed from a public into a private issue, it will cease to be perceived as political; it will be called personal instead. †(Gordon 190).I think Gordon is right at some pointâ€â€when she softens out the issue that by making a medical rather than a physical abortion it would then become more personal rather than political, some people might even change their view point, just like they did with the morning-after pill. However, I still believe that if there is already a morning-after pill, then there should be no reason for any woman to wait until conf irming her pregnancy in order to take action. Why not taking the morning-after-pill after an unprotected intercourse to avoid any problem on the first place?Time is very crucial in all aspects; women that wait to see if they are pregnant take a very high risk that can lead to either an unwanted pregnancy or worseâ€â€an abortion. On the other hand, I think she is trying to cover the sun with one finger. She is exposing a slippery slope fallacy by sort of saying that if people don’t see the problem, then there should be no problem at all, which isn’t true because not by covering the problem, it will make it disappear. Who knows maybe by doing abortions at home there could be more risks involved.In conclusion, I believe that Abortion is a cruel, immature and unfair way to end a pregnancy. No one should end a pregnancy because it is their responsibility to use contraceptives on the first place. If a woman cannot afford to buy contraceptives, then she should control her instincts instead of getting pregnant to get rid of the unborn baby afterwards. Besides, medicine is so advanced nowadays which really makes abortion a despicable choice for an apathetic woman.Even though, I do respect their opinions regarding their â€Å"freedom†, I do not think that they have much of consideration for the lives of their unborn babies. The reasons why a woman could end her pregnancy are endless. There are tons of excusesâ€â€some good others not muchâ€â€that will always come into sight, but if we start taking wise choices from the beginning, then, we will be able to determine that who pays the consequences is not the person that made the damage but the innocent baby that the mom-to-be does not want to give the right to live.Moreover, if abortion was made illegal again, then hundreds of lives would be saved every year. Besides, life is the most valuable gift anyone can have and possibly give. But like the saying goes: to each their own. Since abortion is legal, it is really up to the woman to take a wise and moral decision and to opt for different alternatives before abortion. Works Cited: Gordon, Mary. â€Å"Should Abortion Be Restricted? †Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Political Issues. By George McKenna and Stanley Feingold. 18th ed. N. p. : McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc, 2012. 188-96. Print.Taking Sides Ser. NAF, Staff. â€Å"National Abortion Federation: Pro-Choice and Proud. †National Abortion Federation: Pro-Choice and Proud. N. p. , n. d. Web. 5 Mar. 2013. NRL, Staff. â€Å"Abortion: Some Medical Facts. †Abortion: Some Medical Facts. National Right to Life, n. d. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. ProCon, Staff. â€Å"Abortion ProCon. org. †Abortion ProCon. org.  © 2013 a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 5 Mar. 2013. Walker, John. â€Å"Abortion in the Case of Pregnancy Due to Rape. †Libertarians for Life – Abortion in the Case of Pregnancy Due to Rape. N. p. , 1998. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Health Policy In Salford Manchester Health And Social Care Essay
There are many research methods from which to take for a typical research methodological analysis. In the research methodological analysis there is the undermentioned general treatment on the conducting of the research and some apprehension of type basic construct of the qualitative and quantitative methods. There are many research methods from which to take from. Research methods are the technique of probe used to carry on a survey. They include the usage of questionnaires, interviews, participant observation or field work with the community being studied together with the reading of official statistics and historical paperss and other techniques non so widely used. By and large there are three chief methodological analysiss. Qualitative methods Van Maanen ( 1983 ) defines qualitative methods as â€Å" an array of interpretative technique which seek to depict, decode, and translate and other wise come to term with the significance, non the frequence, of certain more or less of course happening phenomena in the natural universe. †Quantitative Methods Easterby-smith et Al ( 1995 ) described four chief ways of assemblage of quantitative informations: Interviews Questionnaires Tests/Measure Observation While they stress that the differences between quantitative and qualitative techniques is non ever clear. Quantitative methodological analysiss have an accent on the importance of establishing research upon protocol and technique. In this piece of research the writer will trust on quantitative methodological analysis in the signifier of secondary informations through assorted beginnings of database. These databases will include nose count informations to execute the analysis and happen out the consequences. The instance study country: Salford, Greater Manchester Manchester ‘s â€Å" twin metropolis †, Salford, adjoins it across the River Irwell and portions much of its history. The wider Greater Manchester part is made up of 10 metropolitan local governments: Bolton Bury Manchester ( City of ) Oldham Rochdale Salford ( City of ) Stockport Tameside Trafford Wigan The metropolitan authorization known as the ‘City of Salford ‘ comprises 20 wards and has a population of 216,000. In this survey GIS application will be used along with spacial analysis and statistical techniques to look into the world of fuel poorness in this country. This issue is of import in policy footings because it seems likely to be a major job for public wellness – and hence for the economic system – because of the increasing proportion of aged people in the population. Fuel poorness is worst among the oldest members of society, peculiarly those in disadvantaged countries such as Salford. Areas like some parts of Salford besides have a higher than mean concentration of aged people because younger people tend to go forth the country to seek employment and preparation chances elsewhere. The Health, Housing and Fuel Poverty Forum ( Mawle, 2008 ) , funded by cardinal authorities ( Defra ) is the type of policy enterprise which is conformable to being informed by sound GIS and spacial analysis work: â€Å" The focal point of this undertaking is to supply a tried, long-run and to the full sustainable attack to significantly cut downing, and finally extinguishing wellness inequalities across the state caused or exaggerated by hapless lodging and fuel poorness. †( Mawle, 2008 ) The survey used GIS, spacial analysis and statistical techniques to look into the world of fuel poorness in this country. This issue is of import in policy footings because it seems likely to be a major job for public wellness – and hence for the economic system – because of the increasing proportion of aged people in the population. Fuel poorness is worst among the oldest members of society, peculiarly those in disadvantaged countries such as Salford. Areas like some parts of Salford besides have a higher than mean concentration of aged people because younger people tend to go forth the country to seek employment and preparation chances elsewhere. The vulnerable aged on low incomes form the bulk of those in fuel poorness nationwide. The issue will hence be an increasing job for national and local policymakers due to the aging population and therefore more elaborate research is required. Larger Numberss of aged people are now populating longer and because of other factors ( e.g. the cost of long-run attention and the basic desire to stay ‘at place ‘ ) are frequently remaining in their ain places for every bit long as possible. Harmonizing to the UK Public Health Association ( UKPHA, 2008 ) , an extra 40,000 deceases each twelvemonth nationally can be attributed to fuel poorness. Methods Data and methods The 2001 nose count of population was used in the analysis as a chief beginning of informations. The information on socio-economic conditions in Salford was gathered along with the maps of the country utilizing a assortment of resources. Specifically, informations on wellness, lodging, household constellation and other conditions in Salford ‘s wards were obtained from the 2001 Census via NOMIS or CASWEB. Maps were obtained from Ordnance Survey and other beginnings. Census informations In the nose count, ‘health ‘ was chiefly covered by two inquiries. First, responses confirm whether a individual considers themselves to be in ( a ) ‘good wellness ‘ , ( B ) ‘fairly good ‘ wellness or ( degree Celsiuss ) non in good wellness. Second, informations will be the available on whether respondents suffer from ‘limiting long-run conditions ‘ . Some other variables will be envisaged may impact people ‘s wellness in this part. These will be: whether lodging adjustment provided, or did non supply, cardinal warming ; whether people lived as portion of a twosome or lived entirely ; and whether people will be economically active or inactive ( i.e non in work, instruction or preparation ) . Consequences and Analysis Datas processing: Function Health is affected by a assortment of life style and environmental factors, including where people live, features of these locations ( including societal and environmental exposure ) . Health by and large has a spacial dimension – the wellness of the population varies harmonizing to where people live. So scientists and research workers have begun to utilize GIS package to research the potency of maps for understanding the spacial kineticss of wellness and the socioeconomic, environmental and other factors impacting which affect people ‘s wellness ( see for illustration Loslier, 2008, Gao et al 2008, Susi and Mascarenhas, 2002 ) . The tabular array of property informations was joined to the Greater Manchester map to bring forth set of maps demoing wellness inequalities across the part. Other maps were created to picture the distribution of factors impacting wellness. The Greater Manchester maps demo that the Manchester and Salford countries have the lowest figure of healthy people in the part ( see fig. 2 ) . From a simple ocular reading of the maps identified the countries with the worst wellness. This present more probe on this country below. Salford is one of the countries with the worst wellness in the Greater Manchester part. Health and other socioeconomic factors across Greater Manchester local governments Maps These were obtained from EDINA Ordnance Survey for both the Greater Manchester country as a whole and Salford ‘s component wards. The first portion of the Maps will demo the lodging and wellness determiners such as cardinal warming, people in good wellness and economic activity of Greater Manchester. While the 2nd portion of the maps will concentrate on Salford. First Part: Function Housing and Health Determinants of Greater Manchester Second Part: Maping Housing and Health Determinants of Salford Making wellness maps for Salford involved a similar procedure to that used for constructing the Greater Manchester maps. The new tabular array of properties from the NOMIS web site was prepared and saved as a dbf file and joined to the Salford boundary map. The maps were produced based on the variables identified earlier incorporating informations necessary for constructing a image of wellness in Salford. Making wellness maps for Salford involved a similar procedure to that used for constructing the Greater Manchester maps. The new tabular array of properties from the CASWEB web site was prepared and joined to the Salford boundary map. The maps were produced based on the variables identified earlier incorporating informations necessary for constructing a image of wellness in Salford ( as shown in fig. ) . Eight maps were produced to picture the countries that have the highest figure of healthy and unhealthy people ( utilizing our two indexs of wellness ) , with the other maps demoing the chief factors impacting wellness in the borough. From the maps it can be seen that the highest per centum of healthy people is located in Worsley and Boothstown ward, while the highest per centum of unhealthy people live in Langworthy and the surrounding wards. These wards are the nearest to the metropolis Centre ( cardinal Manchester – the focal urban Centre for Salford and the Greater Manchester part as a whole ) .The other maps illustrate the factors which affect wellness in Salford. The maps of adjustment with and without cardinal warming show that the highest per centum of houses with cardinal warming is located in Worsley and Boothstown, Walkden, Little Hulton and Irlam ward. This is where the healthiest people live. The lowest per centum of places with cardinal warming was found in Langworthy – where the people with last degrees of wellness ( measured by our two indexs ) live. This is evidently a simplification of the subject, but it helps us construct up a image of fuel poorness in Salford. The maps of people populating entirely or in twosomes show that the highest per centum of twosomes is once more in Worsley and Boothstown ward, whereas the highest proportions of people populating entirely be given to be located in the wards near Manchester metropolis Centre. Furthermore, the same image can be seen in the maps of economically active and inactive people, with the highest per centum of economically active people shacking in Worsley and Boothstown ward. Long-run unwellness The 3rd set of maps in this undertaking compares long-run unwellness in Salford with the same factors identified earlier ( fig. ) . The maps show a strong relationship between degrees of long-run unwellness and places without cardinal warming. The highest Numberss of people with no long-run unwellness ( what we might hence specify as the healthiest people measured on these footings ) were found in Worsley and Boothstown ward. This ward has the most belongingss with cardinal warming, and the bulk of its occupants are economically active and unrecorded in twosomes. Preliminary decisions From all the maps above we can reason that wellness may be affected by a assortment of factors. These factors include ( I ) environmental issues like air pollution, ( two ) societal factors such as populating entirely or in a couple/with a household, and ( three ) economic factors such as being in employment ( and the wealth derived functions this connotes ) , and the sort of lodging adjustment people can afford to populate in. Statistical analysis of the consequences The information will be analyzed utilizing SPSS package, so utilizing arrested development statistics to find whether there is significance. The information will be modeled the extent to which wellness is affected by variables such as cardinal warming, being economically active, populating in a twosome and so on. Map studies can be used to turn to the out semen from the analysis of the geographical informations. Arrested development analysis: In the undermentioned subdivision there will be an analysis of consequences through arrested development analysis by utilizing multiple variables. In SPSS a simple method â€Å" Analyze. Regression. LinearaˆÂ ¦.. †in each instance will be followed. There will be the choice of different standard ( dependent ) and the forecaster ( independent ) variables and will used the multiple arrested development theoretical account four times. Multiple arrested development analysis ( MRA ) is a utile method for bring forthing mathematical theoretical accounts where there are several ( more than two ) variables involved. Multiple Regression analysis: the multivariate arrested development was used for at least four times to analyse the relationship between assorted variable of lodging and wellness inequalities. Peoples in good wellness and unstanderised predicted variables. The multiple arrested developments will utilize tally of people in good wellness as a dependant variable and assorted other in dependent factors as in a variable entered tabular array. In the Standard Residual subdivision of the casewise diagnostic tabular array above, instance Numberss 33 is negative. This could be explained by a figure of factors – for illustration, possibly it is due to a higher than usual proportion of aged people in the local population. The 2001 nose count informations for Salford shows that 8 % of the populations are in the 65-74 twelvemonth age class, with the mean age for Salford being 38 old ages of age. Salford as a whole is sing a population diminution of 6 % with an progressively aging population. The 2001 nose count informations besides demonstrates this point, with 9.53 % of the population being economically inactive due to being for good ill or handicapped. This is higher than the national norm of 5.3 % within England and Wales. An ageing population, combined with people with sick wellness and low incomes will hold an impact upon future services and wellness in Salford ( Salford City Council, 2008 ) . From Graph 1 it can be seen that there is a positive linear relationship between people in good wellness and unstandardized predicted value of the independent variable. It is a positive relationship with a statistical tantrum. Second Multivariate Regression Analysis: The 2nd multiple arrested development analysis was carried out between % of people in good wellness and other variable factors such as being economically active, holding cardinal warming, populating in a twosome. In this arrested development model the relationships between one dependant variable with multiple independent variables has been analyzed. This is how multiple arrested developments are largely used for multivariate analysis ( Bryamn and Caremer, 2005 ) . This gives the ability of multivariate arrested development to analyse the relationships between one dependant variable and multiple independent variables. An advantage of multivariate arrested development is that weak variables with small statistical significance can be dropped from the theoretical account to do the staying variables important. But in the undermentioned instance no variables were dropped in order to understand different variables ‘ consequence on wellness. From the above tabular array Model Summary there is the analysis of assorted factors such as R is a step of the correlativity between the ascertained value and the predicted value of the standard variable. In the illustration this would be the correlativity between the per centum of people in good wellness and the degrees predicted by the forecaster variables. R Square ( R2 ) is the square of this step of correlativity and indicates the proportion of the discrepancy in the standard variable. In kernel this is a step of how good a anticipation of the standard variable we can do by cognizing the forecaster variables. The value R2 is a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, and has no units. An R2 value of 0.0 agencies that X does non assist you predict Y. There is no additive relationship between X and Y, and the best-fit line is a horizontal line traveling through the mean of all Y values. A When R2 equals 1.0, all points lie precisely on a consecutive line with no spread. Knowing Ten Lashkar-e-Taibas you predict Y absolutely. From the above consequences the R2 is.659 which indicates a 65 % tantrum in the theoretical account. Adjusted R Square value is calculated which takes into history the figure of variables in the theoretical account and the figure of observations ( participants ) our theoretical account is based on. This means that 65 % of the variableness of dependent variable is explained by the variableness of the dependent variables. This tabular array is of import. The Adjusted R Square value tells us that our theoretical account histories for 64.9 % of discrepancy in the good wellness. 35.1 % of the discrepancy Idaho due to the random mistake. B. Dependent Variable: % Good or Reasonably Good Health The ANOVA portion of the end product tells us whether the arrested development equation is explicating a statistically important part of the variableness in the dependant variable from variableness in the independent variables. A P value is a step of grounds. The smaller the value of P, the greater the grounds against a simpler theoretical account than one of the possible involvement. The usage of P 0.05 as a cut-off is a convention which has an historic footing instead than a scientific, mathematical or philosophical footing. Horgan ( 2001 ) described that a p-value provides a step of whether an independent variable is associated with the dependant variable. A little p-value implies that it is. In this study we have said that an independent variable is significantly associated with the dependant variable if its p-value is less than 5 % ( i.e. P & lt ; 0.05 ) . These can be interpreted as significance that there is a 95 % opportunity that the given interval will incorporate the true parametric quantity of involvement. This tabular array reports an ANOVA, which assesses the overall significance of our theoretical account. As P & lt ; 0.05 the theoretical account is important. This theoretical account is utile. In the end product from this arrested development analysis, as with the simple arrested development, sing the p-value of the F-test to see if the overall theoretical account is important. With a p-value of nothing to three denary topographic points, the theoretical account is statistically important. From the above tabular array it can be concluded that, % economically active, % cardinal warming and % of married are statistically non-significant as the T values and ( T & gt ; 2 or t & lt ; -2 ) and Sig. ( Sig. & lt ; 0.05 ) are harmonizing to the statistical significance relationship. The Standardized Beta Coefficients give a step of the part of each variable to the theoretical account. A big value indicates that a unit alteration in this forecaster variable has a big consequence on the standard variable. The T and Sig. ( P ) values give a unsmooth indicant of the impact of each forecaster variable – a large absolute T value and little P value suggests that a forecaster variable is holding a big impact on the predicted variables.Scatter secret planA spread secret plan allows ocular appraisal of the relationship between the response and forecaster variable. In the in writing class individual independent variables those have an affect on the wellness has been taken in order to analyse the relationship with dependent variable. In graph No.3 above a consecutive line comfortably tantrums through the informations ; hence a additive relationship exists. The spread above the line is rather high, so there is a strong additive relationship. Hence the graph indicates a strong relationship as people who are economically active are in good wellness. However, the Scatter Plot and Line of Best Fit do non state us the values of a and B ; nor do they state us if B is zero ( or near adequate to be taken as nothing ) . It surely seems that there is a positive relationship between people in good wellness and people who are economically active. The 2001 nose count showed that 39.33 % of Salford ‘s population is economically active, compared with an norm of 40.55 % within England and Wales. 13.53 % is economically inactive due to retirement, compared with the England and Wales norm of 13.54 % ( Salford City Council, 2008 ) . From the above consequences the R2 is 0.564 which indicates a 56 % tantrum in the theoretical account. The Adjusted R Square value tells us that the theoretical account histories for 55 % of discrepancy in a modification long term unwellness. In this instance, the adjusted R-squared indicates that approximately 56 % of the variableness of restricting long term unwellness is accounted for by the theoretical account. 44 % is due to random mistake. For farther analysis of the relationships of different independent variables, the T-ratio statistics is analyzed coefficient tabular array. From the above theoretical account sum-up tabular array The R-squared is 1.000, intending that about 100 % of the variableness of good wellness is accounted for by the variables in the theoretical account. In this instance, the adjusted R-squared indicates that approximately 100 % of the variableness of wellness is accounted for by the theoretical account. 0 % if the discrepancy is due to random mistake. R squared is a statistical step of how good a arrested development line approximates existent informations points. R squared is a descriptive step between nothing and one, bespeaking how good one term is at foretelling another. From the theoretical account summary the R squared value is equal to one as besides the adjusted R square, the greater the ability of that theoretical account to foretell a tendency. The more variableness of the dependant variable is being explained by the variableness of the independent variables. A value of R squared equal to one, indicates that the theoreti cal account provides perfect anticipations ( Middleton, 2006 ) . The end product from the ANOVA tabular array, as with the simple arrested development, we look to the p-value of the F-test to see if the overall theoretical account is important. With a p-value of nothing to three denary topographic points, the theoretical account is statistically important. Further analysis of the relationship between heath and other independent variables, the T-ratio statistics has been carried out in the tabular array below. The above graph No.10 indicates a negative relationship as most of the people who are economically inactive tend to be in good wellness. This graph is opposed to chart No. 3 which is for economically active. There are high degrees of unemployed families, in peculiar those in the â€Å" ne'er worked †and â€Å" long term unemployed †classs and high per centums of people in reception of a means-tested benefit. The 2001 nose count besides reports that 3.81 % of the population is economically inactive due to unemployment with 10.25 % holding ne'er worked and 28.29 % classed as long-run unemployed. 5.89 % are economically inactive due to looking after household or the place ( Salford City Council, 2008 ) . The paper examined through function and statistical analysis the relationship between lodging determiner and wellness. There are some lodging factors such as employment, lodging term of office and matrimonial position and their impact on wellness. It can be concluded from the determination that there is positive and negative relationship between wellness and lodging determiner such as economically active and inactive, married twosome and populating entirely. The relationship between hapless lodging and ailment wellness has been understood for centuries. This relationship has been illustrated by a figure of different researches clip by clip such as Lowry 1991, Friedman 2010 on lodging and wellness. Farrand said that â€Å" Action is besides required so as to cut down the inauspicious effects on kids and their instruction from unequal lodging †. In recent old ages policies such as wellness and sustainable development are progressively being inter-linked to those policies that m ight hold an affect on environmental wellness and lodging. Theses attacks has based on the rule of sustainable development. Infect sustainable development attacks in lodging development could better people wellness and cut down fuel poorness but utilizing less and in ore efficient the resources available to them. In position of the fact that the Census is carried at 10 twelvemonth intervals and the same information has been used in the current research which is 10 old ages old while the new will be available in 2011. 2001 Census information is of historic involvement and nevertheless it provides really utile baseline information on even on little countries of the metropolis. The Census contains valuable information on such as family composings, population, wellness and economic activities. From the function of Greater Manchester it can be concluded that ( see Fig. 1-9 ) Salford metropolis has the lowest scope of people in good wellness 87-88 % except Manchester and Wigan. Besides th e per centum of people non in good in good wellness is in Salford 11-12 % ( Census 2001 ) . the statistically analysis of the 2001 Census information shows overall a significance of P value & lt ; 0.05 which means that there is a significance relationship between the dependant and predicted independent variables. Although the information is 10 old ages old but it is a nationally recognized and trusted informations. There may be a batch of betterments in the last 10 old ages but due to the fact that there is no secondary informations handiness it could be really hard to estimations informations based on assorted socioeconomic factors. From spread secret plan diagram of assorted dependent and independent variables it can be concluded that there is strong positive and negative linear relationship except with cardinal heating where there is a weak positive and negative additive relationship. Through the tabular array 1 and 2 in the appendices shows clear that people non in good wellness are among the lowest in Greater Manchester part followed by North West County and in England. Although the cardinal warming has no or really small relationship with people in wellness but there are other factors such as economic position, matrimonial relationship and term of office. Recommendation: Every local authorization has a responsibility in this instance Salford metropolis council to see the lodging status and its impact on wellness on an one-year footing under the Housing Act 1985. The local authorization should put their ain marks and strategic standards which must fulfill the home is fit for the people. If the local authorization see a home fails to carry through the basic standards and non suited for populating so the local authorization has the responsibility to take necessary action to cover with the belongings to halt further spreading of lodging related wellness jobs. It is of import that policies related to wellness policies should besides reflect lodging conditions and the ways to better both lodging and wellness conditions. It is the understood that hapless lodging non affects merely physiologically but besides on an single overall wellness conditions. Sustainable solutions should be imposed on in order to better lodging in general while heating and insularity in peculiar. farther research is needed to measure the complexness oh lodging and wellness indexs and find ways in which fuel poorness can be cut down or eradicated.
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