Monday, January 27, 2020
The Importance Of A Cardiovascular System Physical Education Essay
The Importance Of A Cardiovascular System Physical Education Essay The heart is the powerhouse of the cardiovascular system. It pumps the blood throughout the body; it is a double pump because it pumps blood in two different directions. The main parts of the hearts are the vena cava, the pulmonary trunk, the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, the left and right atrium, the left and right ventricle, the septum, the chordate tendineae and the aorta. The heart is shaped kind of like a cone. It is located behind the protective rib cage. The heart is made of cardiac muscle which means it can work constantly without getting tired or needing a break. Your heart is so powerful that in just one hour, it can produce enough energy to life nearly a tonne of weight a yard above the ground and beats approximately 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 times a year. Blood enters the heart through the vena cava. The inferior vena cava brings in blood from the body and the superior vena cava brings in blood from the head. From the vena cava, blood moves into the right atrium which then sends the blood into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. The right ventricle then sends blood through pulmonary the pulmonary semi lunar valve and into the pulmonary trunk and then into the pulmonary arteries which take the blood to the lungs. Blood must travel to the lungs to gather oxygen. The pulmonary veins carry the oxygen rich blood back to the heart and into the left atrium. The blood is then sent to the left ventricle and then to the aorta where it is pumped into the aorta and to the rest of the body. The heart does not receive oxygen from the blood that runs through it; it receives blood from coronary arteries. When a coronary artery is blocked, it causes a lack of oxygen to the heart and the heart will die. However, a blockage in a coronary artery does not always cause a heart attack; it can also cause angina. Angina causes chest pain and pain to the left arm and shoulder. If an individual experiences these symptoms, they should see a physician as soon as possible as surgery may be needed to clear the blockage. Heart rate is how many times your heart beats per minute. Heart rate is determined by how hard the heart has to work to move blood through the body; the harder the heart has to work, the higher the heart rate. Heart rate is lowest at rest and highest when stressed. To check your heart rate, find your pulse. You can find your pulse in your wrist (radial artery), neck (carotid artery), back of knee (Popliteal artery), inside of elbow (brachial artery), and in the groin (femoral artery). The wrist and neck are the most common places to find your pulse. Once you have found your pulse, count how many times your heart beats for fifteen seconds then multiply that number by four. This number represents how many times your heart beats per minute. Average resting heart rate is usually between seventy and eighty beats per minute unless you are Lance Armstrong; he was known to have a resting heart rate of thirty-two to thirty-four beats per minute. Even though the Ancient Greeks believed that blood vessels carried air, vessels carry blood. You have so many blood vessels in your body that one square inch of skin contains three yards of blood vessels, and if all the blood vessels of the body were laid out end to end they could go around the equator at least two and a half times. Oxygenated blood travels through arteries. Artery walls have three layers; the first layer is squamous epithelium called tunica intima. The middle layer is the thickest of the three layers and is made up of smooth muscle that can contract to regulate blood pressure and flow; it is called tunica media. The outer layer of artery walls is made of fibrous connective tissue close to the middle layer but is loose connective tissue farther from the middle layer. The outer layer is known as tunica adventitia. Arteries branch into smaller arterioles. Arterioles are arteries that are barely visible to the naked eye. They are under 0.5mm in diameter. Arterioles branch into capillaries which are extremely small. Capillary walls are only one cell thick; in fact, capillaries are so small that it takes ten of them to make up the width of one human hair. Even though capillaries are very small, they form vast networks. Capillaries are so important because Oxygen and nutrients like glucose are exchanged through them and to the body. Veins take blood back to the heart. First, venules, small veins, take blood from capillaries and into a vein. The structure of vein walls is quite similar but vein walls are thinner. Because most veins have to travel upwards to reach the heart, they have to fight gravity to get the blood back up there so veins come equipped with valves which keep blood from flowing downwards. Veins that carry blood from the head do not have valves because blood coming from the head does not have to fight the force of gravity. If valves dont close properly it can cause major problems; this is called venous reflux disease. If the veins dont close, deoxygenated blood cant get back to the heart. This causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms include aching, burning, swelling, itching, discolouration and ulcers. There are approximately five litres of blood in the human body and it is the glue that holds the cardiovascular system together; without it there would be no need for a heart of blood vessels. Blood carries oxygen, fights infection and stops bleeding and only two parts of the body can survive without blood: the lens and cornea of the eye. Blood is made up of three parts: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow and there are approximately 5,000,000 red blood cells in just one drop of blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. Red blood cells that carry oxygen are red and red blood cells that carry carbon dioxide are purple. They are shaped like concave disks. Sometimes the body does not have enough red blood cells and this causes anemia. Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron. Symptoms include lack of energy and a pale skin colour. White blood cells also originate from the bone marrow. White blood cells are translucent and have a nucleus. White blood cells use proteins and enzymes to fight infections. There are five types of white blood cells: basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes. Though most white blood cells only live for a short time, some live for months or even years. Platelets are tiny cell fragments that are born in the bone marrow with red and white blood cells. Platelets aid in clotting so when a blood vessel is damaged, platelets come to the rescue and seal the leak. Sometimes, platelets dont do their job and cause hemophilia. What that means is clotting does not occur so the slightest bump can cause bleeding to joints. This can cause nerve damage and muscular atrophy. Though strokes affect the brain, they are really a problem with the circulatory system. They are caused when platelets do their job a little too well and cause a blockage to an artery leading to the head (usually the carotid artery). If an artery leading to the head is blocked, the brain cannot receive oxygen and this causes a portion of the brain to die. Individuals suffering from a stroke usually have early warning signs like numbness, blindness or slurred speech. Those warning signs usually exist even after a stroke and a stroke can even cause paralysis but these effects are not permanent. After a stroke, the individual can usually be rehabilitated and the damaged portion of the brain can again become functional but the person may never be the same again. A common problem with the circulatory system is hypertension. Hypertension is better known has high blood pressure. Though hypertension is usually caused by smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, or diabetes, it can also be hereditary. A sphygmomanometer-better known as a blood pressure cuff- measures blood pressure-two pressures, actually. The blood pressure cuff measures systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is high when the ventricles have contracted and diastolic is low when the ventricles have relaxed. If your diastolic pressure is greater than ninety or systolic pressure is greater than one-hundred-forty, you have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is often called a silent killer which means most people arent aware they have it until they have a heart attack of stroke. Medications and life style changes can help control blood pressure but the best way to control it is to keep a healthy diet (low in salt), exercise regularly and have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Arrhythmia is a heart condition. It is basically just an irregular heartbeat. Common symptoms are heart palpitations or pounding in the chest; that means your heart is beating irregularly fast. Other symptoms include light headedness, fainting, shortness of breath and fatigue; these are symptoms of your heart beating irregularly slow. If your heart is beating too slowly, your brain does not receive enough oxygen and neither does the rest of your body. Sometimes, surgeries can be done to get the heart to beat regularly but they arent always successful. More common treatments include medications and life style changes. The very best thing you can do for your cardiovascular system is exercise regularly and be sure to have a healthy diet. This will help to prevent disorders in the cardiovascular system but does not always keep them from occurring. Though many things can go wrong with the cardiovascular system, worse things would happen without it and all life on earth as we know it would end. Blood goes on a journey so spectacular that none of us can experience it.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich :: Ancient Rome Roman History
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich The Nazi party affected many people around the world through both the Holocaust and World War II. Hitler had a plan to exterminate all the Jews, and propelled this idea through the Holocaust putting Jews in concentration camps and killing them. Hitler's evil plan caused one of the world's biggest tragedies, World War II. Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of the Nazis, was born in Austria just across the border from German Bavaria. Hitler would begin to read his fathers history books about Native Americans and how they were slaughtered along with reading about battles between the Germans and Russians. This would make him familiar to racism at an early age. Hitler did not get along with his father when he was young because his father wanted him to get into politics and he like drawing instead, but he still got into art and the reason he started to hate Jews is because he could not sell his artwork but the Jews did (Shirer 3-14). Hitler still did business with Jewish shop owners in selling his paintings, however, the seeds of hate were planted and would be nurtured by events soon to come, laying the foundation for one of the greatest tragedies in all of human history. Adolf became a drifter for several years after both his parents passed away. Hitler volunteered for the German Army and in his first engagement against the British and Belgians near Pyres, 2,500of the 3,000 men in Hitler's regiment were killed, wounded or missing. This war experience gave Hitler what he needed to one day be a successful military leader. Adolf Hitler joined the committee of the German Workers' Party and entered politics. In the summer of 1920 Hitler chose the swastika for the National Socialist German Workers' Party, for short Nazi. At what is known as The Beer Hall Putsch a man by the name Kahr was giving a speech in front of some 3,000 supporters of the Bavarian government. Hitler shot his pistol in the middle of Kahr's speech and shouted, "The national revolution has begun." The "revolution" began when Hitler lied to the people saying the Bavarian Trumimvirate (Kahr, Lossow, and Seisser) had joined forces with him. When the people applauded the Bavarian Truimvirate joined him (Shirer 35). By the summer of 1923, the Nazi party had grown to 150,000 members.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Cue for Treason by Geoffrey Trease Essay
A hero is someone idolized by others for their outstanding achievements and qualities. Everyone has their own meanings of the word hero; some people might think a hero is someone who wears costumes and fights crime where as someone else might think of a hero as someone who fights for a country for example, a soldier. Peter Brownrigg, of the novel Cue for Treason by Geoffrey Trease is the most heroic characters in my opinion. His persistent, selfless, and courageous personality exemplified their heroism. These personality traits make Peter the most heroic characters of Cue for Treason. It takes persistence for a hero to overcome any unexpected difficulties presented to them. Near the end of Cue for Treason, Peter tried his best to sabotage Sir Philip Morton’s plan to assassinate the Queen. This is one piece of evidence where Peter’s heroic qualities is shown because he fought against multiple conspirators, but he has not given up once.. Another example of where Peter’s persistence was shown is when he was hiding from Sir Philip Morton inside the chest at the theatre. â€Å"It was hot in the chest, but I was afraid to come out. I could never be sure, even when there was silence around me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Trease, 48-49). In this scenario, Peter also portrayed his persistent characteristics by hiding in the hot chest in fear of being found by Sir Philip Morton. This once again portrayed that Peter was heroic because he knew he had to stay hidden in order to protect the identities of the people involved in the tearing down of Sir Philip Morton’s wall. Peter’s persistence was shown once again when he was swimming through the waters of Ullswater. This quote from Cue for Treason also supports the fact that he is persistent, heroic and not selfish. I mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up†¦ Everything depended on my reaching that thin line of gray shingle, that fringe of oaks and pines. If I gave up now, and let myself slip down into the sweet peace of green water, the Queen would be murdered and the kingdom thrown into anarchy. Thousands of Englishmen would die in the quarrel†¦ That was what kept me swimming. It wasn’t just the life of an old lady with a crown. It was for all of us (Trease 201-202). Selflessness is the trait that portrays heroes and allow heroes to put others before themselves. This quote portrayed that Peter is not selfish because he knew many lives were at stake and that he could not give up for the sake of those lives. Peter left his house willingly to protect his family, friends, and neighbours from Sir Philip Morton. This made him heroic and not selfish because he was risking his own life, but at the same moment he was protecting the lives of others whom which he cares for. Later on, Peter grew to care for his companion Kit. â€Å"I was in command for the moment. I’d have given a lot for Kit’s company, but I knew I wasn’t justified in taking her.†(Trease, 179). Peter decided not to let Kit go with him to search for Tom in the Peel tower. This was an example of his heroic and non selfish traits because he did not want to put Kit’s life in danger. Furthermore, Peter showed he was selfless when the Queen asked him what he wanted in return for having saved her life. I looked at her. What did I want? †¦ We have never sought wealth or honors-your true statesman will not take even a knighthood†¦ ‘Your Majesty,’ I said, ‘there are some common which have been ours and our neighbors’ from time immemorial. Sir Philip stole them and enclosed them for himself. Will you hand them back to us and confirm us in possession of them forever?’ (Trease, 281) Even when Peter was given the possibility of having anything he desired, Peter requested for the return of the land that Sir Philip Morton took away from his friends and family. This portrayed heroism and selflessness because Peter was thinking of his community and requested for the one thing that would benefit his whole community. Heroes need courage to face the challenges that awaits them. Peter displays his courageous trait when he decides to leave Cumberland by himself. â€Å"I knew I couldn’t stand torture. If the law let them do that, even a little of it, I know I should blurt out the names of every man and boy who’d been there that night.†(Trease, 30). This demonstrates Peter’s courage because he knew that he had to leave to protect those he cared for. Another example of him being courageous was when he decided to enter the Peel tower without Kit’s company. Tom had once told us that, if anything ever happened to him, we were to go to the nearest sheriff or magistrate and get him to send word†¦ But the present business might be so urgent that this wouldn’t be sufficient†¦ Could we afford to stand still and do nothing for so long? (Trease, 180) Peter thought about whether or not to follow Tom’s order. This showed Peter’s heroic qualities to shine because he had respect for higher authority, but he knew he had to not follow the instructions since lives were at stake. In my opinion Peter Brownrigg is the most heroic character in Cue for Treason. His persistent personality helped him to endure the challenges of his journeys. Furthermore, he was not selfless for the happiness and safety of his family and friends. Lastly, he was courageous enough to perform risky actions. A hero is an individual distinguished for their exceptional abilities and accomplishments.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Creating A New Spanglish Media Culture Essay - 1204 Words
According to the latest estimates from Experian Marketing Service, 63% of Hispanic adults own a smartphone versus 60% of non-Hispanics (Fetto, 2014). According to the PWC Consumer Intelligence series, not only are Hispanics the fastest growing minority in the US, they also have the greatest purchasing power of any US ethnic group. For mobile companies, Hispanics represent outstanding growth opportunities (Bothun Lieberman, 2014). Mobile companies use commercials to advertise and connect with the everyday customer. Knowing that Hispanic customers watch both Spanish and English speaking channels they began to use â€Å"Spanglish†commercials as a way to communicate with the Hispanic consumer. As the Hispanic wireless market grows, mobile companies use our Hispanic cultural backgrounds and bicultural lives to sell and connect with customer. Creating a new Spanglish media culture can mean larger numbers for wireless companies and global recognition for this non-dominant group. Clearly, the economic power that Hispanics have in the wireless market is immense, and the efforts from these companies to reach the Hispanic community have been shown in their Spanglish commercials and advertising. The demand for services that are exclusive to these minorities has forced media to be aware of bicultural communities. In recent years major wireless companies have joined the movement. Verizon Wireless teamed up with Jennifer Lopez and launched a national wireless retail store designedShow MoreRelatedThe University Of Texas At El Paso1392 Words  | 6 Pagestest of time because of its strong presence in the world today. Martinez lends insight into how the French have watched English gain dominance in spheres of economic influence. A universal language does not mean the demolition of the diversity of cultures that we observe today, it simply means that English will be a middle ground among the nations. 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